Mobile Developer. Full Stack Engineer. Full-time Student.
Big thanks for checking out my page, I'm honored by your visit. My name is Brandon and I'm a big fan of travel, food, hiking, running, and learning. I am also a fan of simplicity and style. This website will be dedicated to these interests as well as a few others. All the pictures you see here are taken by me, most of them around Asia during a study abroad semester.
Right now I'm a computer science student at Oregon State University. I enjoy learning about new technologies and disciplines in the industry, working on individual projects on my free time, and helping others code. CS to me is not only a discipline, but a hobby as well. Currently I'm a fan of iOS and all things in web/mobile development, but I'm always open to all sorts of things. Take a look below for all the technical bits!
My experience and education.
Incoming Intern.
Implemented a new feature in the eBay iOS app’s item view to “Add to Collections”, allowing users to create lists of desired items.
Utilized PureLayout to create custom UI for tableview cells and an onboarding screen, resulting in a friendly user experience.
Developed the underlying request/response/data manager/view controller/test classes to call eBay’s core APIs for the feature – resulting in functionality in creating, adding, and removing collection items.
Enhanced course registration experience by developing a RESTful Course Catalog API utilizing Java (Dropwizard, Jetty/Jersey/Jackson), Groovy, and Swagger.
Provided directory search feature on OSU’s website through implementing Java/Groovy API service to fetch people data from LDAP servers/Oracle Databases.
Wrote test scripts and documentation, supervised version control, fixed bugs within web applications, and conducted technical hiring interviews for the university, all done under Agile Development.
Academics: 3.47/4.0 GPA
Honors: Academic Achievement Scholar – $12,000, Global Freeman-Asia E3 International Scholar –$5,000, Edith McDougall EECS Scholar – $1,500, Engineering Honor Roll
Activities: App Club Vice-President (2016), OSU Hackathons (2015), Undergraduate Research (2014)
Academics: 3.7/4.0 GPA
Honors: Freeman-Asia International Scholar - $5,000
Activities: Study Abroad Student
Some of my apps and projects.
Lets chat, I would love to hear from you!
I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have through the methods below.